
Showing posts from July, 2022

Week 6 Update

This past week I worked on writing a script for a repressilator using SBGN. It was interesting, as, besides the usual text output, I also utilized Newt editor to see a visual output of the repressilator. The next step is implementing SBML to CellML using antimony, and SBML to SBGN.

Week 5 Update

In our last meeting, Dr. König and I discussed the implementation of CellML and NeuroML. I worked on CellML this past week but ran into issues while importing. I have been discussing this with the community, and it seems to be a rpath issue. I am hoping that it will be resolved in our today's meeting so that I can be back on track for the project.

Week 4 Update

I had a very productive weekly meeting with Dr. K ö nig last week. We finished setting up testing and continuous integration and completed the coding of repressilator using sbml. This week will focus on creating scripts using CellML and neuroml.