Week 1 & Week 2 Update
I introduced myself to the COMBINE community over slack and google groups and received positive interaction from a few community members. Following a successful start to my GSoC project, I have been having regular weekly meetings with my mentor Dr. Matthias König.
I completed the script for libsbml for repressilator: added compartments, species, parameters, assignment rules and reactions (which are basically kinetic laws) and committed the code to Github. The snapshot below shows an output of what the running example looks like.
In addition, I started working on using sbmlutils for repressilators. Dr. König's previous project https://sbml4humans.de/ has been particularly useful in displaying the complex repressilator in an easy-to-understand format. I have created compartments, species, parameters, assignment rules and reactions similar to libsbml, however, am currently running into issues creating reactants, products, and modifiers. I'll be discussing this with Dr. König in our today's meeting.
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