Week 11 Update
This past week we covered a lot of ground. I wrote an abstract for presenting a lightning talk at the ICSB Satellite event on COMBINE, to be held in Berlin, Germany in October this year.
Matthias confirmed that we can't use SBML2SBGN converter in its current form (issue: https://groups.google.com/g/sbml-discuss/c/x2thfIeL5l4)
We continued work on CellML. (issues: https://github.com/cellml/libcellml/issues/1017 and https://github.com/cellml/libcellml/issues/1024) Basically, we can't figure out a way to code mathematical equations for repressilators using CellML.
Biopax: issue - https://github.com/indralab/pybiopax/issues/36 "The main issue on our side is to figure out which parameters to provide in the constructors, because all the kwargs are directed to parent (and grandparent, ... ) classes in combination with composition." - Matthias
Finally, I tried working on SBOL (issue: https://github.com/combine-org/combine-notebooks/issues/5 ) and created a POC for converting python scripts to jupyter notebooks.
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